Monday, November 1, 2010


This post is dedicated to everyone who has ever worked in a coffee shop. Raise your mugs, I salute you.

So here's the thing.

We have amazing customers, amazing. Every last one of them is essentially gold plated wonderfulness-and I love coming to work everyday. That said (somewhat of a disclaimer) there are certain quirks some customers have that no matter how lovely they are, drive me mental. This post is about the "end piece of the loaf".

"Um excuse me. I won't have this end piece, may I have another?"

"Yes, of course! How could I be so silly to not see the big sign on your shirt that says you don't like the end piece! I understand your disdain" maybe I just say "sure" or "you bet" but really. No one loves the end piece. No one dreams of a big hunk of crust. Lets get it together people, honestly, if it is just your luck that a small percentage of your loaf is darker in colour and perhaps minutely less tasty (although more generously cut in order to account for this horrifying occasion) , just take it.

On a less bitter barista note, I'm having a great morning- ;)


  1. I like the end piece, and so does Austin!
    Call us weird! I enjoyed this!! I miss you, love you! Xxoo

  2. If I was inline behind said costumer, I would have eye-rolled obvious enough for you to notice.
