Saturday, August 7, 2010

House Cleaning

Strange enough, I find that cleaning one's own house can be so cleansing. I have to admit that the best feeling is waking up the next day-to a glimmering, perfect castle of one's own making. House cleaning is the ultimate test of delayed gratification, the entire reward exists in the future. However, my brain must be starting to warp because over the last few years I've begun to enjoy, relish even, the feeling of an aching back when I climb into bed. If I am not in pain, for some reason I think that perhaps I didn't clean enough, or accomplish nearly as much as I should and somehow the outcome will be lacking my usual revelatory morning sensation. Is it possible that the lack of ache is due to a new found sense of moderation with which I must be cleaning more often and therefore have less pain due to less work? NO. That is simply unsound.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bettina...can we be friends? Now, I wouldn't consider myself "obsessive" by any means, but usually I cannot go to bed without a clean kitchen. Why? Because I LOVE getting up in the morning, walking into my kitchen and seeing the "glimmering" counters, the empty dish rack, reaching up to my mug cupboard to get one of the clean mugs and hitting the power on my coffee grinder. Ahhh yes.
