Friday, January 21, 2011


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it. Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen"
Reinhold Niebuhr

What I find most interesting about this prayer/poem is the line that asks to be reasonably happy in this life. Don't we constantly seek happiness? To some degree, isn't that what we have aligned our lives out to seek? The jobs we like, the car we like, the people and places and things we like...all of these things are chosen due to their ability to please us-to make us happy. So what interests me is that this Niebuhr person (bio to follow because now I'm curious) desires to be reasonably happy. Not my sentiments...I want supreme happiness at all times of the day and in every way--and his statement makes me wonder.

What stands out to you?

(Other than than Seinfeld episode, "SERENITY NOW!")

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lockin and Loadin

Ever get into a mode? An "I mean business", "My way or the highway", "Power-punch" mode?

I'm in it.


Monday, November 1, 2010


This post is dedicated to everyone who has ever worked in a coffee shop. Raise your mugs, I salute you.

So here's the thing.

We have amazing customers, amazing. Every last one of them is essentially gold plated wonderfulness-and I love coming to work everyday. That said (somewhat of a disclaimer) there are certain quirks some customers have that no matter how lovely they are, drive me mental. This post is about the "end piece of the loaf".

"Um excuse me. I won't have this end piece, may I have another?"

"Yes, of course! How could I be so silly to not see the big sign on your shirt that says you don't like the end piece! I understand your disdain" maybe I just say "sure" or "you bet" but really. No one loves the end piece. No one dreams of a big hunk of crust. Lets get it together people, honestly, if it is just your luck that a small percentage of your loaf is darker in colour and perhaps minutely less tasty (although more generously cut in order to account for this horrifying occasion) , just take it.

On a less bitter barista note, I'm having a great morning- ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Power of the Processed Free Life

I know, everyone knows, that sugar and processed foods aren't good for you. I have known this for years, and yet I am constantly driven, over and over, to the thrill of sugary goods. One would think that there would be a correlation between the deliciousness of the processed goods and how good they make one feel...there is.

Delicious processed goodness='s Bodily death.

The more delicious the instant gratification feels, the more horrible I feel later. I used to believe that this was all in my mind, a mental punishment for my transgression however, this has recently been (yet again) proven faulty reasoning. My body has been raging against my food choices. Rage a strong word? Yes, and its the appropriate one. My skin is angry (haughty actually), my hair oily, and my moods are out of control. Therefore, I write a little list to remind myself of delicious alternatives that make me happy not only instantly, but in the long run as well:

Lara Bars (check out the peanut butter option, it is like a cookie! The lime and lemon options are also phenomenal)
Frozen Fruit (I love mixes with pineapple and grapes and melon)
Dried Fruit (be careful with how much you eat as the calories really add up-and look for no sugar added and sulphate free varieties which are usually available at health food stores such as Planet Organic)
Dates (who doesn't love dates? Usually only those who haven't tried them!)
Coconut Gelato (now the calories are just as high as ice cream but you can get some without dairy or added sugar. It is luscious, seriously. Superstore has a phenomenal one in their organic frozen aisle--which if you are curious about, tweet to me and I'll search it out for you!)

Just a quick little list that has been keeping me on track and keeping my body happy too.

From one golden girl to a world of them,
Betti White

Friday, September 3, 2010

Microfoam's maddening power over me...

Currently having a major craving..and I thought I'd show you what it looks like. The problem is I'm intensely lactose intolerant..violently even. I won't die, I'll just whine and feel puffy and uncomfortable for DAYS. Yes I still eat ice cream occasionally but that's beside the point. Thankfully Caffe Crema has both soy and almond I'm on my way...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

House Cleaning

Strange enough, I find that cleaning one's own house can be so cleansing. I have to admit that the best feeling is waking up the next day-to a glimmering, perfect castle of one's own making. House cleaning is the ultimate test of delayed gratification, the entire reward exists in the future. However, my brain must be starting to warp because over the last few years I've begun to enjoy, relish even, the feeling of an aching back when I climb into bed. If I am not in pain, for some reason I think that perhaps I didn't clean enough, or accomplish nearly as much as I should and somehow the outcome will be lacking my usual revelatory morning sensation. Is it possible that the lack of ache is due to a new found sense of moderation with which I must be cleaning more often and therefore have less pain due to less work? NO. That is simply unsound.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear Calgary Parking Authority,

Thank you so very much for your concerned answering machine but I'm finding it really hard to believe that you CARE when you left me on hold for FORTY minutes while you were closing up. I would have appreciated, since I called you before you were closed and kept me on hold, a real voice...that would have been super. I think Lily Allen has a song for you...